McLeods of Condah

Author: maryanne

Condah Football Club Controversy

In 1904 a local controversy erupted about the indigenous players in the Condah football team. An anonymous letter written by a person calling themselves “fair play” appeared in the Portland Observer.  A number of people took objection to the racist views expressed in the letter.  Amongst them, and the only person to sign his name, […]

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Kevin MacLeod

Kev is a character who makes our annual McLeods of Condah a memorable event. I’m really thankful for his involvement, as he has added significantly to my knowledge of the family. An example is the story of Mary Christina (Chrissy b.1862 d.1950). She was banished from the family following her marriage to James Fahey, a […]

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Hamish our mascot

Hamish Dougall McLeod was born at Terang in the Western District of Victoria Australia.  He is now 3 years old.  I have always admired Scotties and determined one day to own one.  Their character and personality are described as being like the lonely highlands of their homeland: serious, dignified and aloof. In the 19th century George The 4th Earl […]

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‘Scotty’ McLeod (1880)

February 2, 1880, Branxholme – May 31, 1918, France     Early Years His parents Norman McLeod and Jane McLachlan were married on Wednesday 23rd April 1879 at the Free Presbyterian Church in Hamilton.  They had eleven children of which Scotty was the first being born at Branxholme on Monday 2nd February 1880.   Life at home Norman’s […]

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Albanella Homestead

“Albanella” (another Scotland) was the home built by Rory McLeod (Ruairidh). Rory was the eldest child of Norman and Susan and emigrated with them as a young boy of eight in 1854.

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